Les Conn

Les Conn

Leslie Conn, known as Wong Lei Yin 黃利賢 in Cantonese and Huang Li Xian in Mandarin Pinyin, is a martial artist, scholar, author, adventurer, penjing 盆景 enthusiast, and devoted father.

Born in 1961 in Zimbabwe, Les embarked on his martial arts journey in 1972. His early training encompassed various disciplines, including judo 柔道, ninjutsu 忍術, Japanese jujutsu 柔術, Okinawan karate 空手, and Shaolin Luohan 少林羅漢拳.

Seeking deeper knowledge and adventure, Les relocated to Hong Kong in 1987. There, he immersed himself in a formal twenty-year ‘closed-door’ 入門弟子 apprenticeship under the renowned martial master, Kwan Yuen Cheong 關潤昌. In 2010, Leslie succeeded Master Kwan 關潤昌 to become a 7th generation Master of the Warrior Heart 戦士心 lineage, and the only Westerner to ever be entrusted with the entire system of knowledge.

Since 1987, Les has been a pioneer in multidisciplinary, multilingual research of Chinese martial arts and their relevant military history. He specialises in the Chinese art of stealth and the historical operatives such as spies, assassins and thieves. His research activities include scrutinizing rare historical manuscripts, archaeological findings, museum artifacts, and fostering collaboration with collectors and academics alike.

Additionally, Les has conducted extensive sociological research, engaging in interviews and training sessions with members of both the Chinese and Japanese underworlds. His acceptance into these communities granted him unique insights into their martial arts traditions and historical ties, profoundly influencing his approach to researching, practicing, and teaching the arts of stealth in both Chinese and Japanese traditions.

In 2009, Les returned to Africa, where he dedicates his time to teaching, writing, and further exploring the research materials accumulated over his earlier years.